What is IoT In Agriculture?

Smart wearables, networked devices, automated machines, and autonomous autos are all products of IoT technology. However, the IoT has had the most influence on agriculture. According to recent data, 9.6 billion people will inhabit the planet by the year 2050. And the agriculture sector is forced to utilize the Internet of Things to feed this enormous population. 

The late 20th century saw the introduction of mechanical advancements like tractors and harvesters into agriculture operations all across the world. And because of the consistently rising demand for food, the agriculture industry largely depends on evolving technology.

IoT-powered smart solutions will become more prevalent in agriculture operations during the coming years. In fact, according to a few recent reports, the agriculture sector would have an IoT device installation growth rate of 20% CAGR. And by 2024, there will be 225 million connected agricultural devices. This write-up will help you get a basic idea about the impact of evolving technology such as IoT, cloud computing, and big data on agriculture.

IoT use Cases in Agriculture

Smart Farming the topic discussed at current times is a high-tech and successful method of farming and food production that is based on sustainable practices. It is an application of integrating cutting-edge technologies and agricultural devices linked to it. IoT is a key component of smart farming, which eliminates the need for farmers to worry about external factors such as crop security and weather

The Internet of Things has provided enormous benefits, including effective water usage, input optimization, and many others. The significant advantages, which have recently changed agriculture, were what made a difference. By continuously monitoring the field, IoT-based smart farming enhances the productivity of the overall agricultural system. 

The Internet of Things in Agriculture has reduced the lavish use of resources like water and electricity and has saved farmers’ time by utilizing sensors and connections. It provides a crystal clear real-time observation while controlling numerous parameters like humidity, temperature, soil, etc. Here are a few top IoT use cases:

  1. Crop Monitoring

IoT technology allows farms to monitor their crops irrespective of the location. Each field has sensors that can track the soil, gathering information on its temperature, moisture content, and fertility. Detection of weed growth, water levels, and animal or pest invasion is also possible. Farms can monitor possible risks and better understand the growth cycle of their crops.

  1. Climate Sensors

The weather has always been one of the deciding factors in agriculture. Farms previously had to rely on weather predictions from the closest station, which weren’t reliable enough. Farmers may overcome any sudden weather deviations by using weather sensors that are made possible by IoT technology and can plan appropriately. Farmers may fine-tune their growth strategy and boost crop yields by having thorough information on the local weather.

  1. Livestock Data

Having particular information on each of the animals in the farmland is very important for dairy, pastoral, or livestock farms. A large variety of this data is captured via wearable smart technology for animals. For instance, IoT devices can track movement, food consumption, body temperature, and more to monitor reproductive cycles, health, and nutrition levels. The flock can be healthier and more productive the better the data management.

  1. Automatic Farm Machinery

The amount of human labor needed by farms may significantly change as a result of autonomous agricultural technologies. Self-driving tractors, robot seed planters, and agricultural drones are just a few examples of machinery that can save farmers countless hours of effort, reduce human mistakes, and address the various farm labor issue currently faced by many farmers across the world. These machines may reduce human effort and conserve resources while enhancing overall yield.

  1. Smart Infrastructure

Crops, animals, and storage all need to be monitored for farming to be optimized as a whole. Smart silos and greenhouses are two examples of infrastructure improvements that can be useful tools. The number of goods inside smart silos can be sensed and communicated, assisting in maintaining product freshness. Smart greenhouses, meanwhile, can autonomously adjust humidity, temperature, lighting, and soil quality. These techniques increase productivity and sustainability in the farming sector.

  1. Irrigation and Fertilizer Management

Sensors are used in irrigation management to determine when and how much water each plant needs. This decreases weed growth and runoff while also saving water. Sensors alert farmers when fertilizer levels are too low so they may use a crop-yield map to identify the regions that require additional fertilizer. They may keep tabs on how much fertilizer has been applied to each farm or plot throughout the season. This lessens expenses and minimizes runoff, minimizing environmental harm.

Smart Agriculture

Smart agriculture is the agriculture practice that is synchronization between IOT-enabled devices, data analytics, and cloud components. Sensors are the main method used in IOT to gather data on a wide scale. The data is examined and converted into useful information using analytics tools. Crop, weather, and livestock conditions are all analyzed with the aid of data analytics. IoT in agriculture aided farmers in preserving the quality of their harvests. Some of the advantages of IOT in agriculture are described below, in addition to the other use cases and advantages:

  • Precision based framing
  • Cleaner process
  • Usage of optimum resources
  • Agility
  • Improved product quality
  • Sustainable
  • Eco friendly
  • Risk reduction
  • Increased Production

IoT in agriculture: The future farms of prosperity

By now you are aware of the applications of IOT in agriculture. The demand for food is never going to drop, people always needed to eat and drink to live long to fulfilling their aspirations. Which is one of the deciding factors for the growth of the agricultural industry. Hence the future of IoT is definitely a graph with enormous growth. Cost-effectively increasing agricultural productivity is made possible by IoT. IoT technologies for smart farming assist the farmer in boosting productivity and lowering waste production. We at Rootfacts assist you in knowing how IoT-based applications can positively impact your enterprise. To know more about our IoT consultation services do visit us at Rootfacts.