Expert Next-generation Sequencing Data Analysis Solutions

Leading NGS Data Analysis Services for Biotech Excellence

Biotechnological industry has experienced a kind of revolution due to the fast rise of Next-Generation sequencing since it has generated so much valuable biological data that it is difficult to extract meaningful ones from this huge amount of ocean data. However, such analysis can only be done by specialists able to obtain valid results from the vast data ocean. On this frontier, RootFacts Company comes out as a leader for its inclusive NGS data analysis services tailored towards driving your biotech endeavours forward. This guide delves into the intricacies of NGS data analysis, presents what RootFacts does in this scope, and explores how we have been enabling biotech companies to unlock their potential using NGS.

Demystifying Next Generation Sequencing Solution (NGS)

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), also commonly referred as high throughput sequencing technology allows genome-wide analysis like no other technology before at an unprecedented scale. The merits of NGS over traditional sequencing methods include:

Massively Parallel Sequencing

Millions or billions of DNA fragments are sequenced simultaneously giving rise to a significantly faster process.

High Throughput

It provides large amounts of information that helps build an all-inclusive picture about investigated biological system.


Over time, costs associated with use next generation sequencing solution have gone down making it affordable even for smaller biotech firms.

The Intricacies of NGS Data Analysis

Despite its great potentiality, the raw reads produced through NGS necessitate well-established analysis pipelines aimed at extracting rationally valuable biological insights. Below is how all these key steps take place:

Quality Control (QC)

The integrity in collection and handling must be guaranteed before quality issues can be addressed by assessing raw sequence reads which includes adapter sequence checks along with base calling errors and overall read quality.

Read Alignment

It is a significant stage of mapping back the short sequencing reads to a reference genome. This means that alignment algorithms find out where in the reference sequence each read presumably originated from.

Differential Expression Analysis

In RNA-Seq data, this phase pinpoints genes which show differential expression across diverse conditions thereby disclosing more about cellular processes as well as prospective drug targets.

Variant Calling

This process identifies single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions/deletions (indels), and other variations within the sequenced DNA.

Functional Annotation

To gain biological meaning, it is important that these variants and differentially expressed genes are linked to already structure biological knowledge databases.

Challenges and Considerations in NGS Data Analysis

NGS data analysis has several limitations despite its potential:

RootFacts Comprehensive NGS Data Analysis Services

To address these obstacles, RootFacts Company offers full spectrum NGS data analysis services designed for varying needs within the biotech industry. Our service package covers the entire data analysis pipeline from raw data processing to biological interpretation:

1. Pre-processing and Quality Control

2. Read Alignment and Variant Calling

3. Differential Expression Analysis (RNA-Seq)

To unveil genes with differential expression that matters in various experimental conditions, RootFacts employs a range of robust statistical techniques.

Our detailed reports provide insight into the differentially expressed genes and their possible biological functions.

Functional Annotation and Pathway Analysis

Custom Analysis and Reporting

Beyond Standard Offerings: RootFacts Competitive Advantage

There are several ways in which RootFacts has differentiated itself from its competitors. These include:

Experienced Team

Our team consists of highly skilled bioinformaticians who have done extensive NGS data analysis, covering a wide range of research domains.

Cutting-Edge Technology

We utilize the most up-to-date bioinformatics tools as well as algorithms designed to facilitate accuracy and efficiency during data analysis.